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Saturday, 12 November 2011

Wedding Master Of Ceremonies - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

!±8± Wedding Master Of Ceremonies - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

Most people are so thrilled when a friend or family member asks them to be their wedding master of ceremonies. It's only later that they wonder what does a mc do at a wedding?

The wedding master of ceremonies is basically responsible for ensuring the various events that take place during the wedding reception run in a smooth and orderly fashion and on time.

It is at this point many a prospective wedding mc will start to panic. There is a lot of standing up in front of the wedding guests and making announcements.

After all the wedding mc duties will include making announcements for the arrival of the bridal party, the serving of dinner, the cutting of the wedding cake, the bridal waltz, the tossing of the bouquet and the departure of the bridal couple.

And of course you will also introduce each person who is making a speech or toast.

Even though the wedding master of ceremonies does not make a speech (unless they are also the best man) the thought of speaking up in public fills many with fear and trepidation.

Here are some wedding mc tips to help
Don't forget your notes and reading glasses if you need them; Take some long deep breaths beforehand. As you exhale tell yourself to relax; Hold your head up, look around the room and give everyone a big smile; Don't mumble. If there is no microphone speak loud and clear so everyone can hear you. In the days and weeks before the reception practice projecting your voice. If using a microphone make sure you know how it works. Establish eye contact with a person, hold for a few seconds then find someone else to look at; Keep your introductions short; Wedding mc jokes must not offend or embarrass anyone; Speak naturally and in terms all the wedding guests will understand; Try to look confident even if you are not feeling it; and Accept it is natural to feel a little nervous

And remember the more time you spend planning and organizing for the big day the easier it will be for you to relax and enjoy the occasion.

Wedding Master Of Ceremonies - 10 Sure-Fire Tips For Success

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Friday, 14 October 2011

How Caffeine Can Affect Your Health

!±8± How Caffeine Can Affect Your Health

In a regular cup of coffee there are about 170 mg of caffeine and in decaffeinated coffee there are about 30/40 mg of caffeine.

On the stock market, Coffee is a 90 billion dollar industry but what is significant is that just in North America 85%+ drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day. A huge number of people are at risk for many of the issues surrounding coffee consumption.

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Top 10 Caffeine-Related Health Problems

Cardiovascular Problems

Caffeine increases your heart rate, elevates your blood pressure, and can contribute to the development of heart disease. Both decaf and regular coffee increase your cholesterol and homocysteine, the biochemical that science has linked to increased risk for heart attack. Caffeine is also linked to coronary vasospasms, the cause for 20% of all fatal heart attacks which kill otherwise perfectly healthy people.

Caffeine stimulates the excretion of stress hormones which can produce increased levels of anxiety, irritability, muscular tension and pain, indigestion, insomnia, and decreased immunity. Increased levels of stress from caffeine can keep you from being able to make healthy responses to the normal daily stress everyone is subjected to in their lives.

Emotional Disturbances

Anxiety and irritability are hallmark mood disturbances associated with caffeine consumption, but equally important is depression and attention disorders. Depression may occur as part of the let down after the stimulant effects of caffeine wears off. It may also appear during the recovery period after quitting caffeine while the brain's chemistry is readjusted. Caffeine rather than increasing mental activity actually decreases blood flow to the brain by as much as 30% and negatively effects memory and mental performance.

Blood Sugar Swings

Diabetics and hypoglycemics should avoid caffeine because it stimulates a temporary surge in blood sugar which is then followed by an overproduction of insulin that causes a blood sugar crash within hours. If you're trying to loose weight, this rollercoaster will actually cause weight gain since insulin's message to the body is to store excess sugar as fat.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Many people experience a burning sensation in their stomach after drinking coffee because coffee increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid leading to an increased risk for ulcers. Coffee, including decaf, reduces the pressure on the valve between the esophagus and the stomach so that the highly acidic contents of the stomach pass up to the esophagus leading to heartburn and gastro-esophageal reflux disease. With America 's high consumption of coffee, its no wonder the best selling over-the-counter drugs are the so-called antacids.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Caffeine inhibits the absorption of some nutrients and causes the urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and trace minerals, all essential elements necessary for good health.
Male Health Problems

Male Health Issues

Coffee is an irritant to the urinary tract and bladder. It is also a diuretic that aggravates conditions associated with frequent urination. Eliminating coffee and caffeine often relieves symptoms associated with frequent urination due to enlarged prostate glands.

Dr. Milton Krisiloff, M.D. has found that in the majority of cases, men can significantly reduce their risk for urinary and prostate problems by making dietary changes which include eliminating coffee and caffeine.

Female Health Problems

Fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, osteoporosis, infertility problems, miscarriage, low birth weight infants, and menopausal problems such as hot flashes are all exacerbated by caffeine consumption. Women on birth control pills are particularly at risk since they have a decreased ability to detoxify caffeine.

Adrenal Exhaustion

Caffeine consumption leads to eventual adrenal exhaustion which can leave you vulnerable to a variety of health disorders related to inflammation, autoimmunity, and fatigue.

Many people find in their forties that they can no longer tolerate the same level of caffeine consumption as they could in their twenties and thirties. The production of DHEA, melatonin, and other vital hormones start to decline and caffeine speeds up that downhill drop. Caffeine dehydrates the body and contributes to the aging of the skin and kidneys. It has been shown to inhibit DNA repair and slow the ability of the liver to detoxify foreign toxins.

Exhausted Adrenal Glands

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant. It causes the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline, the hormone your body depends on in emergencies to elevate your heart rate, increase your respiration and blood pressure for a rapid flight-or-fight response. When you overuse stimulants, the adrenals become exhausted. If your caffeine sensitivity has diminished or you're one of those who claims you can drink 3 shots of espresso and go right to sleep, guess what? Your adrenals have given up responding. This means you have less resistance to stress, which leaves you vulnerable to health hazards such as environmental pollutants and disease pathogens

Severe Blood Sugar Swings

Caffeine forces the liver to release glycogen into the blood stream. The pancreas responds to the sudden rise in blood sugar by releasing insulin, the hormone which causes excess carbohydrates to be stored as fat. Within the span of an hour or two, the result is a sharp blood sugar drop resulting in a state of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). That's when you think it's time for another cup of coffee and the whole cycle starts up again.

Acid Imbalance

Over 208 acids in coffee can contribute to indigestion and a wide variety of health problems resulting from over-acidity associated with arthritic, rheumatic and skin irritations. Many people experience a burning sensation in their stomach after drinking coffee because coffee increases the secretion of acid in the stomach. Optimal health calls for an alkaline pH balance in the body.

Essential Mineral Depletion

Coffee inhibits the absorption of some nutrients and causes the urinary excretion of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and trace minerals, all essential elements necessary for good health. Women need to be concerned about osteoporosis as menopause sets in. Studies show that women who drink coffee have an increased incidence of osteoporosis compared to non-coffee drinkers. Men are not immune to osteoporosis either.

These are a number of health conditions for which doctors advise their patients to eliminate coffee and all caffeine from their diet.

Acid indigestion
Anxiety, irritability and nervousness
Candida or yeast problems
Colitis, diverticulitis, diarrhea and other irritable bowel symptoms
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other auto-immune disorders
Diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
Dizziness, Meniere's syndrome or tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
Gout (Elevated Uric Acid levels)
Heart disease or heart palpitations
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Insomnia and interrupted or poor quality sleep
Liver disease and gallbladder problems such as gallstones
Kidney or bladder problems including kidney stones
Migraines or other vascular headaches
Skin irritations, rashes and dryness
Ulcers, heartburn, and stomach problems such as hiatal hernias
Urinary tract irritation


Gano Healthy Coffee Products reduce the caffeine to about 7 or 8 mg per cup and give you the same energy boost without the health risks. De-caf Gano Cafe, Cafe Mocha and Tea, all blended with Ganoderma Mushroom extract, are available online at Ask for a free sample and try it for yourself.

How Caffeine Can Affect Your Health

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Friday, 2 September 2011

Exercises to get rid of cellulite - Remove cellulite naturally

!±8± Exercises to get rid of cellulite - Remove cellulite naturally

Exercises to get rid of cellulite, there is? Of course there is. In fact, exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of cellulite. Burn the access that has contributed to your problem of cellulite, firms and tones the environment and also help your skin back its elasticity.

What exercises help get rid of cellulite?

First of all, there are some principles that you are trying to shape your exercise routine should. It 'important, exercise andThis is a problem that many people forget that you are trying to train to get rid of cellulite. This means that you should design exercises that target cellulite problem areas.

Also, people think that you spend hours and hours a week to get results. This could be further from the truth, in fact all you need is three minutes of the first four sessions of 30 minutes per week. Obviously, the more sessions to reap the results faster.

It 'important during exercise where you focus primarily onCardiovascular exercise. These exercises are the quickest way to burn excess fat. During anaerobic exercises are very useful to help cellulite and tone the infected area businesses.

NOW special exercises to get rid of cellulite.

Of course, the specific exercise to perform all depends on where your cellulite, here are some examples:

1) If the cellulite on the thighs and the back of the thighs and around the buttocks.Exercises, you should consider are: jogging, walking, depending on fitness and physical abilities. Cycling is also extremely effective.

2) If you have cellulite on the abdomen and other parts of the upper body exercises that help then to get rid of cellulite are: of course, sit ups, swimming, kayaking, rowing, boxing, or boxercise will all help to reduce and remove the end cellulite forever.

Exercise is one of the best ways to eliminate celluliteforever. But in general, the function of exercise alone, you see the results seem extremely slow, and the results are not nearly the quality you deserve. In order to obtain better results and faster, you have to watch your diet and watch your cellulite cream to buy. Why you should use a cellulite cream? The honest answer is that the door of your cellulite damaged skin tissue and cell structure. It is for this reason that the skin looks soft and white, has lost itsElasticity. Your body is naturally trying to harm from the cellulite is to repair the damage caused, but can not do without the nutrients necessary to achieve the best results from your diet.

Exercises to get rid of cellulite - Remove cellulite naturally

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Saturday, 20 August 2011

How to take care of your horse

!±8± How to take care of your horse

Horses are one of the most exciting animals to keep and make excellent companions. In fact, they are almost like people with their own personality. However, take care of your horse is a big responsibility and your horse must be properly taken care of, so it is healthy and happy. To the right level of attention for your horse, you can imagine, is as old as a child of about four years compared to the level of mentality.

The first thing you need for yourHorse is a house. This can be a stable or paddock. If you do not have a place big enough for your horse, when you live at home, you can willow or a place that rented land and stables for the horses to look at life. You should clean your horse at home stool per day for a week to keep the barn and pasture.

There are also many daily activities, you will have as its owner. The first is feeding your horse. If you have it in a stall, you mustof feed grain and hay and straw and make it easier for the team of sawdust or straw as bedding. Horses also need large amounts of fresh drinking water. You need to regularly check the water for your horse during the day to make sure that a lot and has not spilled or drank anything.

The horses must have a regular exercise and lots of love and attention. Take your time with your horse more comfortable, a good brush before using itand after the race. Bid to encourage affection and treats such as apples or sugar cubes, makes you think as your friend. Through his friendship with your horse, try harder to please you.

Do not forget to clean under the feet of horses and pick up every day with a socket, and a before and after the race, to ensure that you picked up a stone in its socket, because it is so lame. You need to keep their hooves trimmed by a farrier every 8 weeks for the legsFront broken or sore invaded.

Your horse should be wormed regularly and just like people horses need regular checks by a veterinarian, even if they are sick, make sure they are healthy. If you have any concern about your horse, or what to feed it or how many times the vet will be able to help.

In winter, you can create a blanket for your horse, especially if the winter is particularly cold. The horses are in stalls tooCarpets must have for the night because they can not move to keep warm.

As you read, is one of the most important things that need time. The time required to take proper care of your horse for training and for the things you want to do. If you can be patient and be kind to your horse is the best friend I ever had.

How to take care of your horse

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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Symptoms of genital herpes in men, Your computer is infected?

!±8± Symptoms of genital herpes in men, Your computer is infected?

For those not familiar with genital herpes, symptoms can be difficult to detect in men. The understanding of the disease is key to recognize the symptoms associated with it. For the sake of this inexperienced, genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. As well as herpes virus 2 (HSV2) simplex, she is an acquaintance of the two types of herpes HSV-1 or the other what is commonly known as cold sores. HSV2 is considered the heaviest of the two types of herpes. Onceacquired, the virus remains in the body of the infected person for life. It can lie dormant for a long time, but outbreaks usually carry triggered by stress or other diseases.

Symptoms of genital herpes in men, usually with a tingling and itching in the genital area to get started. These symptoms are usually warning signs before an outbreak occurs. During an outbreak, the infected person may experience painful red bumps on and around the penis. ThisBumps are finally blows out and then in open wounds. The final phase of the outbreak is characterized by the formation of scabs over wounds.

Other symptoms include swollen lymph nodes in men, painful urination, headache, fever and fatigue. The symptoms begin between 3 and 7 Date of acquisition of the disease appear and last for two weeks on average.

To minimize the discomfort and pain associated with symptoms of genital herpes in men, it is important for aPerson you feel these symptoms seek medical advice. E 'for people with genital herpes know that the disease is not sentenced to death important. In fact, many people with genital herpes can lead a normal life.

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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Introduction to Rastafarianism

!±8± Introduction to Rastafarianism

Rastafari is a religious movement of the black slums of Jamaica, born of the teachings of Jamaican black nationalist Marcus Garvey was born and used to support a selective conditionally Old Testament Christian writings, his teachings and practices. Born in 1887, Garvey was to influence the descendants of slaves, poor blacks in Jamaica, at its peak in 1920, who won his message of encouragement and urging black people pride in themselves provide some fanaticSupporters. Although historically Marcus Garvey, a political leader in the production of the black race was the same as white economically interested in the oral tradition, a prophet of God has anointed

With the coronation of Ras Tafari Makonnen, November 2, 1930 in Ethiopia, many believed Garvey's prediction of a black king crowned in Africa, the redeemer and liberator of the black race were expropriated would come to fruition. Makonnen claimed for itself the title of "EmperorHaile Selassie I conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, the God King of Kings of Ethiopia and Elect. "Ethiopia has a great importance to Rastafarians, who believe in a coming day of Judgement, when the righteous will be called home to Mount Zion (marked with its Africa) to live forever in peace and harmony. Marcus Garvey, also if not admired Haile Selassie, when he was still slavery in Ethiopia, he noted, are still revered by Rastafarians fanatic, although a RomanCatholic by birth, has never spoken explicitly to support the growing movement.

Without a centralized organization is a definitive text, public buildings or grading in a visible and persistent post of leader of the religion difficult. This results in a variety of beliefs and practices in the general category of Rastafari, which often lead the individual interpretations. However, there are some important features below deck.

The distinctionthem from other groups and religions, which emphasize the conformity with the powers, here is the individual that is important. People follow a path to the truth for themselves and reject the power of modern, oppressive white society ("Babylon"), the visa will be rebelling against God, the "prince legitimate land" called "Jah". JAH is connected to all people and all people to God. This is often used in the phrase "I and I" resist when it comes to themselves.

Aearly leaders of the movement in Jamaica was Leonard Howell, was arrested in 1933 for the Jamaican government for preaching a doctrine of "revolutionary". Howell founded the first community Rastafarians six principles of Rastafari, which have little changed over the years: 1) a hatred of the white race, 2) the complete superiority of the black race, 3) revenge on the evil of white people, 4) the negation, persecution and humiliation of the government and legal persons from Jamaica, 5)Preparing for Africa, and 6 back) Emperor Haile Salassi recognized as the supreme and only ruler of the black population.

Although it has influenced the movement of ideas with his arrest is also thought to have a big impact on the organizational structure of the movement. Prolonged harassment by the police that Howell has been exposed to is probably the main reason why Rastafarians have decided to remain without a guide.

In 1954 the situation became more tense as the JamaicanGovernment has now intervened and invaded the Rastafarian mini-state called the Pinnacle, ruled that Howell. After this many followers migrated from the original rural slums and ghettos of Kingston. Although elderly real supporter of non-violence in their teachings, a few frustrated and desperate incited confrontation with authorities that result in fatal shootings brought with British troops in the late '50s and early '60s, some attention negative impact on globalMovement.

From mid 1970 to the present has seen phenomenal growth in the Rastafarian movement, which is worldwide exposure and acceptance of reggae music. This is mainly due to Bob Marley, who was a prophet of Rastafarianism, a musical artist whose lyrics often relate to topics relevant Rasta teachings attributed. The reggae movement, was initially attractive to the young Caribbean blacks, many of whom saw it as an extension of their adolescent rebellion from school andparental authority. Exporting with the migration of Caribbean families in Britain and America to spread the music and then became popular, along with some other Jamaican botanist.

Some followers choose to Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity (which the Catholic and Protestant Christianity) to classify or even Judaism. In the latter case, said the belief that blacks are descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, Jews and blacks lived in EthiopiaCenturies separated from the rest of Judaism. These and other ideas arising from the interpretation of Bible translations, which are also thought to be incomplete and have been distorted over time the white oppressors.

One of the most visible symbols of the Rastafarians, the dreadlocks on a Rasta's head is. They are intended to represent the Lion of Judah, and in contrast to the right, the blonde looks white and the creation and in response to interpretations of songs2 Leviticus in the Bible.

Another important symbol of Rastafarian colors are, especially the red, gold and green. These were taken from the Garvey movement and form the background of the Ethiopian flag. Red represents the church triumphant Rasta, but the blood of the martyrs of Rasta. Green represents the beauty and vegetation of Ethiopia, the Promised Land, and the gold symbolizes the wealth of the homeland, to be recovered.

The true Rasta eats only I-tal food. ThisSpecific foods that never touches chemicals, it is natural and not from cans. The food is cooked, but served in the rawest form possible, without salt, preservatives or condiments. Rastafarians are therefore vegetarians. Drink is something other herbs like tea and not as unnatural as brandy, milk, coffee and soft drinks.

Ganja or marijuana is usually smoked in a ritualized form and as a medicine and is not officially approved for recreational use. It is believed to better understand andMeditation and it is argued, the "holy" or grass "green" in some translations of the Bible mentions.

Today, the area of ​​global Rastafari is assumed that in the region of 1,000,000, with registered offices in many countries, including England, Canada, the Caribbean and the Americas. Some sources claim that six out of ten Jamaicans are believed to estimates Rastafarians or Rastafarian sympathizers rather conservative nine percent of Jamaicans are 55Rasta.

Introduction to Rastafarianism

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Saturday, 30 July 2011

Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

!±8± Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

There was a time when I was grossly overweight. At that time I had no idea about the acai berry. I was fat, ugly, messy and loaded with a negative attitude. This is when Dr. Oz to explain the acai berry seen on CNN. I was impressed and I decided to try my Acai Berry. That's what did it for me.

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Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

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